My somewhat spiritual awakening moments and grateful vibes.

Wow, how incredible it is that we are already in November and My website has been up for a month!

It’s been slow, but I am super inspired for what’s to come.

There has been so much spiritual energy brewing since late August and esp since the thinnest part of the veil for me. I have been reconnecting to my spiritual gifts and gaining new ones. It has been a very transformative time for the last 6 years especially. I”ve had a “sixth” sense for as long as I can recall and heard many stories from my family on my “abilities”. I used to freak people out knowing when people would come to visit before the era of cell phones and internet. amongst many other “clair” moments. Thats for another blog.

I would say I had a spiritual awakening after the happiest yet darkest times on my journey, becoming a mother for the first time in 2016. Right before that huge milestone in 2015, I was traveling, leveling up, forming a career and just living my best most blissful life. I also left a 3 year relationship, first apartment, and was planning to move to Florida with my bestie. Instead, they got a room mate, I met a guy. Summer lovin’ happened so fast, and there my life was in a flash. I had just told Mr. Unstable adios, and then like a boomerang we were beyond cosmically connected. So basically, I was on quite a few rollercoasters on top of being pregnant. The first year was life altering to say the least, and I will get into later on. So, 2017, things really shifted positively. I forgive yet, not forget the hurts, grew A LOT. My intuition felt heightened during/after having my first daughter. There are so many signs and synchronicities that arose. Feathers and angel numbers. I reconnected even stronger with myself and my own inner magic, “the bubblie, if you will.

I became recentered, grounded, ready to manifest. Worked , learned and used crystals for different intentions and got more serious with cleansing. I worked on self love, organically attracting a true love in my life. I became a phlebotomist and realized how intuitively people connect. It enhanced my gifts. I become pregnant with my second daughter, as well as, engaged. I dug deeper, got more energetically attuned to my soul purpose. I’ve always used Astrology, felt very spiritual with things in life. In everything I do and have done I’ve done so, metaphysically on some level. Everything is truly energy, vibrations.

Through all those experiences (more details to come), I found my most aligned work at a metaphyical shop that has been around 29 years. I learn so much, and get to be my truest most authentic version. I’ve done many creative things over the years, looking to follow what I love, what’s in flow. I’ve connected with my “tribe” my soul sisters. With teachers, masters, students, all who wish to grow and enlighten. to heal, inspire, learn, teach, true community. On so many levels, modalities, and beyond everyday is a new adventure. There have also been a few deep losses intermixed in this soul aligning time that really awoke me into living life, getting help and healing myself.

To this awakening in a nutshell, I am so thankful, as it feels like continual transformation. Moments when you emotionally uplevel. These moments of spiritual awakenings, transformations of life force energy and loss have pushed me to live more vibrantly. With more internal value, purpose and joy. To create when I am inspired. To do the shadow work to remove blockages , seek help when it’s tough to self navigate. I share these moments and will share more as an expression of myself and the love and energy I put into all I do. As a person of understanding in spiritual occurrences.

As I continue to develop my abilities and awaken to new levels of how to do so, I start with the Bubblie, my energetic healing intention magical jewelry and products for self empowerment and empowerment of others and Bubblie vibes. I look forward to looking into more energetic based works and scheduling here as well, but for now I bring the creative energy charged with bubblie intentions.

Beyond Grateful for finally following my dreams, heart, and passions and share them with you all, I am truly thankful for your time.

Bubbling with joy over this blog? Check out my Podcast The Bubblie on spotify

I have been a Youtuber since 2007 on “TheBrokenRose” channel click the youtube emoji in this website for my videos and vlogs.


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Bubblie beginnings